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1st “Women Energize Women” Conference

Impressive contributions women make as drivers of innovation and technical experts in energy transition

On May 12, 2022 the 1st “Women Energize Women” (WEW) Conference took place in Munich within the context of The Smarter E – Europe’s leading platform for the energy industry. More than 250 energy experts from over 50 countries participated in discussion rounds, workshops and other formats on urgent energy and gender issues – looking at them from a female perspective.

The conference attracted more than 250 participants from over 50 countries © Women Energize Women Conference 2022 / @ Nadine Stegemann
Enabling fruitful connections was only one of many big achievements of the conference © Women Energize Women Conference 2022 / @ Nadine Stegemann
Workshop organized by the Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) @ Stéphanie Gomes
Many inspiring speakers shared their views on the podium, amongst others Deputy Director Climate and Energy Cooperation (BMWK) Ellen von Zitzewitz, who opened the conference © Women Energize Women Conference 2022 / @ Nadine Stegemann
Samira Sousa, of the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), and Patrícia Messer, of Energy Research Office (EPE), as panelist on stage. @ Stéphanie Gomes
Shorouq Abdel-Ghani, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan (left), and Moderator Geraldine de Bastion (right) on the Opening Panel about building a global hydrogen economy © Women Energize Women Conference 2022 / @ Nadine Stegemann

The conference is a highlight of the “Women Energize Women” communication campaign that has been implemented by GIZ in collaboration with the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) within the framework of the Bilateral Energy Partnerships (EP) and on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The conference, as the first of its kind to provide a stage exclusively for female energy experts, sent an important signal to the male-dominated energy sector.

In addition to discussions on pressing topics such as the efficiency and scalability of green hydrogen and women's access to finance and education, it featured educational workshops and numerous opportunities for committed female change-makers to exchange and cooperate. The „Women Energize Women“ conference made it clear: Gender equality and especially women’s empowerment are key determinants for advancing a (just) global energy transition, setting a solid basis for more formats like this in the years to come.

The event was attended by several representatives from Brazilian institutions. Samira Sousa, General Coordinator for Energy Efficiency of the Secretariat of Planning and Energy Development (SPE) of the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), and Patrícia Messer, Energy Research Analyst of Energy Research Office (EPE), participated as panelist on stage.

In an additional side-event, organized by Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET), Kathlen Schneider, from the Brazilian Network of Women in Solar Energy (MESOL) and Daniela Chiaretti, from the newspaper Valor Econômico were present. Both events were held in the framework of the International Fair Smarter-E Europe, and also part of the delegation program "Promoting Energy Efficiency", organized by the German-Brazilian Energy Partnership.