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Regional Conference Energy Transitions in Latin America

Drivers, Opportunities & Challenges gathered relevant players of the energy sector in Rio de Janeiro

The German-Brazilian Energy Partnership and the International Energy Agency (IEA) promoted the conference Energy Transitions in Latin America: Drivers, Opportunities & Challenges from Nov. 26th to 28th  in Rio de Janeiro.

The presentations and panel debates dealt with energy efficiency, distributed generation, and innovations in the electricity sector. Among those present were members of the government, regulators, academia and renewable energy sector associations from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Uruguay, as well as representatives from the international energy sector of IEA and ECLAC.

At the opening session, Mike Enskat, GloBe's Head of Infrastructure at GIZ Eschborn, introduced the drivers, opportunities and challenges of the German Energy Transition (Energiewende). This and other presentations from the countries present showed that there is no single standard pathway towards an energy matrix of lower greenhouse gas emissions: each country has to develop its transition strategy, largely determined by the drivers, challenges and opportunities they face. Exchange of experiences among countries however contributes significantly to identify adequate and efficient solutions

The German-Brazilian Energy Partnership is an initiative of the German Ministry for Economy and Energy (BMWi) and the Brazilian Mining and Energy Ministry (MME), as well as the Brazilian Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MRE), supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Ignacio Romero, Secretaria de Energia (Argentina); Dave Tusk, IEA; Agnes da Costa, Ministério de Minas e Energia (Brazil); Mike Enskat, GIZ; Franzisco Martínez-Conde, Ministerio de Energia (Chile). Credits: Fernanda Vinagre/GIZ Brazil